Despite the busyness of a new semester, students, parents, and faculty have graciously been donating their cardboard for recycling. Our recycling crew set-up cardboard bins outside every dorm, for a total of 13 bins we were responsible for.
Rachel Hoge, a student worker, is pictured maintaining a
cardboard container outside of Minton Hall.
When our trucks became this full, we'd haul everything to the compactor. Compacting one load would take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, which made it difficult to keep up with overflowing cardboard.
Zach Brumback, a student worker, is pictured hauling cardboard to the compactor.
But when it all the move-in days were done, we knew all the labor had been worth it. We successfully diverted 6.9 tons of cardboard from landfill dumpsters!
We appreciate all the efforts of the grounds crew, HRL, and all the parents and students who participated. You've all truly made a difference!
With Recycled Love,
The WKU Recycling Crew