Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Community Recycling Bins Return!

We are pleased to announce the return of the community recycling bins!

The community bins are used heavily by businesses, homes, and numerous locations where curb-side recycling is not available. The bins provide three options for recycling: glass, cardboard, and single stream. For those of you who don’t know, the single stream option means you can put all of your recyclables into one bag— making recycling much simpler and more convenient!  

The community bins are located behind the Service and Supply building on campus, at the intersection of University Blvd. and Russellville Road (diagonal to the baseball fields). If you live or work off-campus and don’t have curb-side recycling, we hope you’ll take advantage of these bins. They are, after all, here for you!

With Recycled Love,

WKU Recycling & Surplus


  1. Hi, where can a person purchase a great recycling unit like the one pictured, and what would the approximate cost be for such a unit. I'm hoping to purchase one for our school & community combined.

  2. Idk if this is because Im on my phone, but it took me about 20 min to figure the location of the bins. should have the location front n center
